Friday, May 10, 2024

Devastation in Gaza as Israel wages war on Hamas

 Certainly, here's a rewritten version:

"In Gaza, widespread devastation unfolds as Israel engages in conflict with Hamas. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas commended the remarkable decision made at the UN General Assembly on Friday, which supported the reevaluation of Palestine's full UN membership by the UN Security Council.

Expressing gratitude to the nations that endorsed the resolution, Abbas stated in a release that this move is 'in accordance with international law and reflects the global consensus in condemning the occupation and its offenses, as well as grave violations of international legitimacy.'

Abbas emphasized, 'Building on this vote, the State of Palestine will continue its efforts to attain full membership in the United Nations through a Security Council decision.'

He urged the US to reconsider its opposition and to endorse the Palestinian Authority's complete UN membership.

Highlighting the significance of the vote, which also granted the Palestinian Authority additional rights within the UN framework without full membership, Abbas portrayed it as a restoration of faith in international legitimacy and law, crucial for regional peace."

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